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The State of Ethical Technology: AI’s Role and the Importance of Organizational Standards

October 15, 2024
10:44 am
In This Article

3 Key Impact Points:

  • Generative AI on the Rise: 94% of organizations are already developing or using Generative AI, but concerns around data privacy, transparency, and ethics grow as adoption accelerates.
  • Ethics Essential for Trust: Ethical standards are crucial to mitigate AI risks, with “safe and secure” consistently ranked as the top priority for developing trustworthy technology.
  • Building Ethical AI Cultures: Organizations are prioritizing tools, training, and governance to align their workforce with ethical AI practices and minimize reputational risks.

As AI, and especially Generative AI (GenAI), becomes more prevalent, establishing and operationalizing ethical standards is now a key focus for organizations. According to Deloitte’s 2024 Technology Trust Ethics Report, 94% of respondents say their organizations are developing or deploying GenAI, while 87% report expanding its use. Despite this rapid adoption, ethical concerns like data privacy, transparency, and bias are at the forefront of leaders’ minds.

Ethics Drive Trust in AI

Cognitive technologies such as AI are viewed as a double-edged sword—capable of driving both societal benefits and significant risks. 54% of survey respondents identified AI as posing the most severe ethical challenges among emerging technologies. As Lara Abrash, Chair of Deloitte US, stated:
“Technologies pose complex risks with pervasive impacts to organizations and society. This underscores the need for a balanced approach—embracing innovation while upholding an unwavering commitment to ethical standards.”

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Key Ethical Takeaways for AI Adoption

The report outlines critical steps for addressing these concerns:

  • Safety First: The principle of keeping technology “safe and secure” ranked as the top ethical priority.
  • Ethical Governance: Chief Ethics Officers are playing a pivotal role in ensuring AI is governed responsibly, driving accountability at all levels.
  • Training and Tools: Organizations are investing in internal training and governance tools to help their teams use GenAI responsibly.

As AI’s influence grows, embedding robust ethical standards across its lifecycle—from development to deployment—will be crucial to sustaining trust and minimizing risks in the tech-driven future.

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