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Prime Minister Siaosi ‘Ofakivahafolau Sovaleni Leads Tonga’s Sustainable Agenda

"Tonga is at the forefront of the climate crisis, and we must take decisive action to protect our people and our environment," says Prime Minister Sovaleni, emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate change. Prime Minister Siaosi 'Ofakivahafolau Sovaleni of Tonga stands as a steadfast advocate for sustainability in the face of climate change, especially within the context of Small Island Developing States (SIDS.) With Tonga facing the brunt of climate change impacts, including rising sea levels and extreme weather events, Prime Minister Sovaleni has emerged as a prominent voice for resilience and sustainability. Under Prime Minister Sovaleni's leadership, the nation has embarked on a path toward sustainability, prioritizing renewable energy infrastructure and conservation efforts. "We are committed to transitioning to a renewable energy future and reducing our carbon

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