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UN Global Compact SDG Investment Forum Wraps Up with Debut of Groundbreaking Sustainable Finance Report

septembre 30, 2024
9:20 pm
In This Article

Key Impact Points:

  • Urgent call to mobilize $200 trillion in global private financial assets towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Launch of “Accelerating Innovation in Sustainable Finance” report outlining strategies to bridge the SDG financing gap.
  • UN positioned to lead in creating de-risking mechanisms and fostering global partnerships for sustainable investment.

The United Nations Global Compact concluded its 2024 SDG Investment Forum in New York, rallying leaders from business, finance, government, and civil society to accelerate private capital mobilization for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Launch of Groundbreaking Report

During the forum, the UN Global Compact launched the report Accelerating Innovation in Sustainable Finance,” emphasizing innovative strategies to channel private investment into sustainable development, particularly in emerging markets.

Key Findings of the Report

  • Increased Private Investment is Essential: With global private financial assets totaling $200 trillion, there’s a pressing need to unlock this capital for the SDGs. The report highlights innovative mechanisms to direct funds where the financing gap is most critical.
  • Overcoming Structural Barriers: Challenges such as lack of transparency and risk-return mismatches hinder investment. The report advocates for global sustainability reporting standards and innovative tools like blended finance and AI technologies to bridge data gaps.
  • The UN’s Leadership Role: Positioned uniquely to convene global stakeholders, the UN is called upon to lead efforts in creating de-risking mechanisms and promoting transparency in financial markets.

Leaders Emphasize Urgent Action

Sanda Ojiambo, CEO and Executive Director of the UN Global Compact, highlighted the transformative potential of private capital: “With $200 trillion in global private financial assets, the potential for the financial sector to drive sustainable development is immense. Our recently launched report underscores that it’s not just about identifying the challenges but about creating innovative mechanisms that unlock private investment—particularly in emerging markets where the financing gap is most critical. The work we’re doing, alongside our partners, is setting the foundation for a global shift in capital markets, ensuring that investments drive both financial returns and impactful, long-term value creation for a sustainable future.”

Christian Stracke, Global Head of Credit Research at PIMCO and Co-Chair of the CFO Coalition for the SDGs, stressed the need for collaboration: “We see continued momentum in the sustainable investing megatrend as more investors align with environmental and social goals. We commend the UN’s latest report and its crucial role in mobilizing private finance to support the SDGs. By fostering collaboration between public and private sectors, we can create a more sustainable future together.”

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Focus on Innovative Financing Mechanisms

The forum featured sessions on:

  • Innovative Financing Mechanisms: Exploring new financial tools to mobilize capital.
  • Sustainability-Linked Investments: Aligning investment returns with sustainability outcomes.
  • Gender-Led Investing: Promoting investments that empower women and promote gender equality.
  • Technology’s Role: Leveraging technology to drive sustainable finance and bridge data gaps.

Alberto De Paoli, Head of Rest of the World at Enel and Co-Chair of the CFO Coalition for the SDGs, remarked: “We stand at a critical juncture where the financial sector must step up and lead by example. The alignment of private capital with the SDGs is no longer optional—it is essential. Through innovative mechanisms like sustainability-linked and blended finance, we can leverage public and private investments to not only address the most pressing global challenges but also demonstrate that sustainability generates tangible economic and financial value.”

Preparing for Future Global Discussions

The forum set the stage for upcoming events like the Summit of the Future and the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development in Spain next year. Central to these discussions will be the Forward Faster Initiative, aiming to accelerate private sector contributions toward the SDGs.

Douglas L. Peterson, President and CEO of S&P Global and strategic advisor to the CFO Coalition for the SDGs, noted:“The global financial system stands at a pivotal moment. To meet the challenges of the 21st century, we must rethink how capital flows are directed. Sustainable finance—underpinned by transparency, accountability, public-private sector cooperation, and innovation—will drive the transformation we need to achieve the SDGs.”

Call to Action for Global Leaders

As the forum concluded, the message was clear: unlocking private capital and fostering innovative financing solutions are critical to achieving the SDGs by 2030. The UN Global Compact urges leaders across sectors to move decisively, ensuring that investments not only yield financial returns but also drive impactful, long-term value creation for a sustainable future.

Related Article: UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2024 Urges Private Sector to Accelerate SDG Action

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