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Sneak Peek for UNGA 2024

août 29, 2024
8:00 pm
In This Article

Key Impact Points:

  • Focus on Peace: UN Secretary-General António Guterres outlines 2024 priorities centered on addressing rising global conflicts, inequalities, and climate challenges.
  • Climate and Security Action: The Summit of the Future in September 2024 will focus on strengthening multilateralism, with climate action and peace at the forefront.
  • Global Cooperation: Major international conferences throughout 2024 aim to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and tackle global governance reforms.

Why it matters

As the world faces increasing challenges from geopolitical conflicts, climate change, and social inequalities, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has set an ambitious agenda for 2024. His focus: peace in all its forms—global security, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

Responding to Crises and Conflicts

The UN will prioritize responses to global crises in 2024, including the nuclear threat, climate emergencies, and the dangers of unchecked artificial intelligence. With 181 million people in 72 countries needing humanitarian aid, the UN’s role in crisis response is more critical than ever.

Peace and Security on the Agenda

The 11 UN peacekeeping missions worldwide will continue to play a vital role in protecting civilians and consolidating peace. The Summit of the Future, scheduled for 22-23 September 2024, is expected to be a pivotal event for reforming the multilateral system and advancing Guterres’ New Agenda for Peace.

Taking Climate Action in 2024

Climate action remains at the heart of the UN’s agenda. The Secretary-General has called for new national climate action plans and a transition to renewable energy. Key events, including COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, and reports from the IPCC and UNEP, will set the stage for global climate efforts. The proposed Climate Solidarity Pact will push major emitters and wealthy countries to support green transitions in developing nations.

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Driving Sustainable Development

Building on the momentum from the 2023 SDG Summit, where leaders adopted a Political Declaration to enhance access to finance for developing countries, 2024 will see continued efforts to achieve the SDGs. The Summit of the Future will aim to solidify these efforts with a “Pact for the Future,” focusing on global solidarity and sustainable progress.

Key 2024 Events to Watch

  • World Water Forum: 18-24 May, Bali, Indonesia.
  • SIDS4 Conference: 27-30 May, Antigua and Barbuda, focusing on resilient prosperity for Small Island Developing States.
  • Third UN Conference on LLDCs: 18-21 June, Kigali, Rwanda.
  • UN Biodiversity Conference, COP16: 21 October-1 November, Colombia.
  • World Urban Forum (WUF12): 4-8 November, Cairo, Egypt.

Defending Human Rights:
Human rights will be a central theme in 2024, with initiatives like the UN Code of Conduct for digital platforms and progress toward a global governance framework on artificial intelligence. The UN will also commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide on 12 April 2024.

Reforming Global Governance

Guterres emphasizes the need for dialogue and reform to address global challenges. The focus will be on updating institutions like the Security Council and Bretton Woods institutions to better reflect today’s multipolar world.

Bottom Line

The UNGA 2024 agenda, spearheaded by António Guterres, is a call to action for global peace, climate action, and sustainable development. With major events throughout the year, 2024 will be crucial for shaping the future of international cooperation and governance.

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